Working with my group was a lot of fun because we got together to work on the project several times in the last week. We didn't make the work boring and dull we actually had fun with it. I enjoyed working with my group. We worked efficiently and got everything done very quickly after we all met up. We cross referenced all the information we got and that took forever. There were so many different sites that said so many different things and all of them are believable, sadly, so cross referencing is a good thing to do every time anyone gets a project even if its a small project. We used wikipedia, brittanica, the liberal international website (which makes no sense to me), and Fur Die Freiheit, a site we found that has information about the Theodor Huess Acadamy.
The FDP is something I had already studied in my German classes in high school. it was fairly easy to get the information together but to remember how the political system works in Germany was the tough part. They have a Chancellor, Vice- Chancellor, President, and Senators. It's very confusing and more complicated than American politics. It may just be because I grew up here and not there. I have learned a lot more about the German culture in this class than I have in my high school classes. They focused on the language more than the culture which is sad. I couldn't remember what Bundestag was until I did the research on it for this project.
I think the FDP is a smaller political party that can't make up its mind because they side with anyone who has similar beliefs just to gain power in the political world even if they don't win elections. They bias other parties and bias themselves. They shifted from centre to centre-right because they were a minority group in the bigger set of political groups and sided with other parties and changed their own beliefs. The only person that got into presidency was Theodor Huess and that was only from 1949-1959. So far there has not been another FDP member as a president, although, there has been another member in the senate. It seems as though the FDP is always a step behind everyone else no matter what they do. Not that they seem like they are trying.
I had fun with this project.