Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Berlin Calling

Berlin Calling

1. Drugs meant a lot to Ickarus because they were a means for him to escape reality and get inspiration for his music.

2. They were taking the drugs to feel the music and have a good time. They took them before and during the bathroom shows.

3. Why does the subculture Ickarus focus on drugs when he relapses and has the inability to work successfully? The shows wouldn’t be considered raves int the US. Drug use isn’t hard to see during a concert.

4. The club and drug scenes are similar in the US. Its very easy for someone to get the same illicit drugs here. I have been going to concerts and clubs for a while and there is always someone somewhere doing drugs and passing them out.

5. The culture could make a change. If this culture is used to party all the time there will be no time for real life responsibilities. Every character tries to make fast money and parties hard. Nobody is putting effort into their life they all just wanna party.

6. One who flew over coco’s nest.

7. I thought the movie was interesting and different. It reminded me of the first german movie I’ve ever seen which was Lola Rannt. It surprised me that the drugs were so popular in this movie to try and escape what was in his mind.

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